martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015


Hello, my name is Karla and I love books :3 I'm from Hualañé, but nobody know this town so when people aks me I just tell them I'm from Curico that is more known. 
I was born in Santiago, but my father and mother take me to my grandmother in field. I lived in there until this year. 
I have a cousin his name is Dante and we are like brothers, i like call him 'Afro Circus' because his hair is curly and he never cut his hair.
Like I say book are my hobbie. When a classmate was reading a book about magic and demons, I was so intrigued with this book that I finished in three days, sense then I like read book all the time.
In high school I participated in many thinks like football, handball and dance, the last one was my favourite activity because is so beautiful. I'm not good with feelings and all that stuff.
In home wait for me a little cat called Kiwi, evereyone ask me for his name, and I just respond 'His eyes are green' and they look me like I lose my mind. He have four mouths old and is so big for his age, is a lazy lazy cat, but is the more beautiful

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Karla, Kiwi is so beautiful, and his eyes are so adorable.

  2. Hi Karla! Do you like detective novels? I have books of Agatha Christhie that you might like

  3. Kiwi rules, you don't diserve it :c he needs love wajajaja protect them for me
