martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Around the world

Hi, today I'm going to talk about the country i want to visit...
When I was younger I dream with travel for all around the world and I still dream with that.
First of all I want to visit Brazil, because in there are jungle, even I'm scared of the animals, but not all of them, only the snakes like anaconda, but I like to know the culture of the people how live in there. 

The second country I want to visit and the more important is Ireland... i don't know how to explain but there are something so beautiful in there, when I look picture on internet of this country the only things I see is... I don't know, the gorgeus of mother nature, all the mountains and meadow, all that green... that place must be like heaven in the earth. 

Another thing I like this place are the animals, beacuse they walk free in the field.
I want to know the culture of this country, I always ask for the Green poltergeis, what mean and all that stuff. 
 The food too, people say that beer of Ireland is delicious and I like taste. 

6 comentarios:

  1. I would like to go to Ireland too and enjoy their landscapes and stout beer :)

  2. I would like to go to Ireland too and enjoy their landscapes and stout beer :)

  3. You are the second person that forget the food, Why nobody think in the food!? but it´s really nice the world where we live, me too want meet all the planet

  4. You are the second person that forget the food, Why nobody think in the food!? but it´s really nice the world where we live, me too want meet all the planet

  5. I Iike Ireland too, I would like to go there only to catch a gnome or a hobbit haha

  6. Brazil great choice!! besides of the thing that you speak for me one things that more fascinate me is the capoeira, one of the best martials arts!!
