martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Around the world

Hi, today I'm going to talk about the country i want to visit...
When I was younger I dream with travel for all around the world and I still dream with that.
First of all I want to visit Brazil, because in there are jungle, even I'm scared of the animals, but not all of them, only the snakes like anaconda, but I like to know the culture of the people how live in there. 

The second country I want to visit and the more important is Ireland... i don't know how to explain but there are something so beautiful in there, when I look picture on internet of this country the only things I see is... I don't know, the gorgeus of mother nature, all the mountains and meadow, all that green... that place must be like heaven in the earth. 

Another thing I like this place are the animals, beacuse they walk free in the field.
I want to know the culture of this country, I always ask for the Green poltergeis, what mean and all that stuff. 
 The food too, people say that beer of Ireland is delicious and I like taste. 

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

I think...

What do you think about smart phones?
 I think that are very useful for some people, because with them they work and organize they stuff, but sometimes this phones are noy good for comunication, yeah work for comunication to long distance and for more things, but when you don't know how to used this phones could be not good. 
In this picture you can see the wrong use of smartphones.
What is your opinion about climate change?
first of all the climate change is produced by humans, for our bad behavior, and for the nature, like Corriente del Ni帽o. So there are two (or more) cause for climate change, so I think that doesn't matter the cause, we have to take care our planet, and stop use things affect the planet, because we live here and is work of all of us keep up clean.

What is your opinion about fotune telling?
I don't know what to think about this, because a lot of people belive it, but I never be of that group, but I'm not opposed to this practice, I think is very interisting look for other alternative, like this you have open mind. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
this topic could be the most discussed today, I think that is a very important because everybody smoke, do not care where, they just smoke and I think is fine, but not everybody think like me... Some people use marijuana medicinaly for different diseases and it's good, but there are other people that use marijuana in a bad way and I disagree with that. 

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
I think this topic is very interisting. Today people talk about this and that is fine, because everyday they you look girls a fifteen years old pregnant and many of they don't want that baby and seeking abortions, I completely disagree in that case, but in some cases of rape and if the girl don't want have that baby I don't know, is a very complicated topic

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015


Hello, my name is Karla and I love books :3 I'm from Huala帽茅, but nobody know this town so when people aks me I just tell them I'm from Curico that is more known. 
I was born in Santiago, but my father and mother take me to my grandmother in field. I lived in there until this year. 
I have a cousin his name is Dante and we are like brothers, i like call him 'Afro Circus' because his hair is curly and he never cut his hair.
Like I say book are my hobbie. When a classmate was reading a book about magic and demons, I was so intrigued with this book that I finished in three days, sense then I like read book all the time.
In high school I participated in many thinks like football, handball and dance, the last one was my favourite activity because is so beautiful. I'm not good with feelings and all that stuff.
In home wait for me a little cat called Kiwi, evereyone ask me for his name, and I just respond 'His eyes are green' and they look me like I lose my mind. He have four mouths old and is so big for his age, is a lazy lazy cat, but is the more beautiful