viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

She was born on June, 1997 in Hualañé. She was a bless to her family. But as every father, her father wanted his firstborn to be male, but it wasn't. 

She started the primary school. The first day of class she cryed a lot because she thought that she will never go back with her grandma.

2005 - 2014
She started to dancing at "Compañia de Danzas Ayelen". There she used to dance folkloric dances till 2014.

She started the secundary school in Hualañé. She was in the wrong grade for two days.

She took part in a scientific competition with some classmates and they won the 3rd prize.

She finished high school and she went to Bariloche with all her classmates for a week.

She has started to study Veterinary Medicine at "Universidad de Chile". Now she is hoping to pass the year and finsh it with good marks. 

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